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Gebirgspionier "Kristoph Grubauer", Wehrmacht-Heer Gebirgspionier, Operation Marita, Greece 1941


Scale, 1: 6
Original ref: 70809
Brand: Dragon Figures

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Gebirgspionier "Kristoph Grubauer", Wehrmacht-Heer Gebirgspionier, 5.Gebirgs-Division, XVIII Gebirgskorps, Operation Marita, Greece 1941

Manufactured by Dragon Models
Scale 1/6 (30 cm.)
Ref. Original 70809
Articulated figure created with an extraordinary level of detail, accompanied by clothing accessories and weapons.

- Stahlhelm M35/40 (Metal)
- M40 Field Blouse
- M37 Trousers, Langehosen
- Bergschuhe Mountain Boots with Puttees

-Kar98k Ammunition Pouches
- M31 Breadbag
- Wehrmacht Equipment Belt
- Combat Suspender
- M38 Gas Mask Container
- P-38 Holster
- S84/98 Bayonet
- M31 Mess Kit
- S84/98 Bayonet Scabbard
- Saw Pouch
- Saw (Metal)
- M31 Water Bottle

- Barbed Wire
- Wire Cutter - New!
- Barbed Wire Holder X 2 - New!
- Gestireckte Ladung - New!

- Kar98k Rifle
- M24 Stick Grenade (Stielhandgranate 24)
- Walther P-38 w/Detachable Magazine

- Collar Tabs
- Wehrmacht National Emblem
- Gebirgsja"ger Sleeve Badge
- WH Gebirgsja"ger Ja"ger Shoulder Tab

- New Character Head
- Men Hands - Two Pairs!
- Clear Base Stand
Hands - the extremely dexterous hands are updated with a more natural texture
Neck - neck re-engineered with extendable joint for increased range of motion
Shoulders - all-new extendable shoulder joints can be manipulated for a greater degree of movement and more realistic figure poses


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If for any reason you are not satisfied with your product purchased through the Internet, you have a period of 15 days, from the date of delivery of the product, to return it. In this case the shipping and collection costs will be borne by the customer. Before making such return, the client must contact us within the indicated period via email, telephone or fax where the return process will be indicated. Any return without this prior communication will not be accepted. To be able to accept the return must be both the product and its packaging, in perfect condition, without scratches or broken or damaged packaging and including all documentation accompanying the product and its accessories. The customer must make a proper packaging to ensure transport without damage. Once received and verified by our staff that the product is in the same state in which it was sent, the amount will be refunded according to the payment method made by the customer. Any refund will be deducted in a deduction in the amount of 8% for reception, inspection and demerit costs.

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