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Sukhoi Su30MKI Flanker-H Indian Air Force, 24th Sqn "Hunting Hawks", 1997, 1:72, JC Wings


Escala, 1:72
Ref. original: JCW72-SU30-005
Marca: JC Wings

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Sukhoi Su30MKI Flanker-H Indian Air Force, 24th Sqn "Hunting Hawks", National Republic Day Special, 1997, 1:72, JC Wings

Scale 1:72
Series limited to 600 pieces.
Length: 30.50 cm
Wingspan: 20.30 cm.
Original ref: JCW-72-SU30-005
Diecast, painted and factory assembled.
It includes the figures of the pilots.
Detachable Armament
Cabin opening
High quality finish and level of detail.
Perfect reproduction of the landing gear complex.
It does not have an exhibition stand to display it "in flight".

Customer reviewsSukhoi Su30MKI Flanker-H Indian Air Force, 24th Sqn "Hunting Hawks", 1997, 1:72, JC Wings
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