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M2 Bradley, 24th Mechanized Cavalry Division, Saudi Arabia, 1991, 1:72, Altaya


M2 Bradley, 24th Mechanized Cavalry Division, Saudi Arabia, 1991, 1:72, Altaya

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M2 Bradley, 24th Mechanized Cavalry Division, Saudi Arabia, 1991, 1:72, Altaya
Customer reviewsM2 Bradley, 24th Mechanized Cavalry Division, Saudi Arabia, 1991, 1:72, Altaya
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Customer reviews
    29/03/2018AGUSTÍN ÁLVARO

    Tractor de Artillería 3t (Sd. Kfz. 11)

    Semioruga ligero, Tractor para cañón remolcado; por ejemplo, el Cñ. 15-cm schwerer Infanteriegeschütz, ó el Cñ. 7,5 cm Panzerabwehrkanone (Pak 40).
    Leichte Zugkraftwagen 3t (Sd. Kfz. 11) mit normal Artillerie-Aufbau [tiene cajones para transporte de munición, entre conductor y asientos de la dotación de la pieza artillera).
    Arrastre: 4.5 t; carga: 1,8 t. Peso: 7.2 t. Motor Maybach HL 42TUKRM / 6-cylinder / 100 hp.
    15.PZ.DIV. Ofensiva en El Alamein (EGIPTO) OCT42. Batería motorizada

    08/03/2018AGUSTÍN ÁLVARO

    Puesto de Mando Móvil de Rommel. Afrikakorps, 1942. ALTAYA.

    Este modelo es muy popular, pues está documentado como el vehículo de puesto de mando móvil de Rommel; hay numerosas fotografías que podemos encontrar en internet. Añadimos la singularidad, al ser un semioruga con el chasis del tractor de 1 t Sd. Kfz. 10.
    Puede retocarse con pintura y pincel fino: en el compartimento de personal, con las radios; petacas de combustible y agua ("jerry cans"); y en el serigrafiado con forma de donde debería haber mirillas en relieve.
    Sd. Kfz. 250/3 Leichte Funkpanzerwagen ”GREIF”. Semioruga ligero blindado; Puesto de Mando Móvil de ROMMEL. Peso 5,35 t. Motor Maybach HL 42TRKM, 100 CV a 2.800 r, 6 cilindros.
    Afrika Korps, Tobruk (Libia), 1942.

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If for any reason you are not satisfied with your product purchased through the Internet, you have a period of 15 days, from the date of delivery of the product, to return it. In this case the shipping and collection costs will be borne by the customer. Before making such return, the client must contact us within the indicated period via email, telephone or fax where the return process will be indicated. Any return without this prior communication will not be accepted. To be able to accept the return must be both the product and its packaging, in perfect condition, without scratches or broken or damaged packaging and including all documentation accompanying the product and its accessories. The customer must make a proper packaging to ensure transport without damage. Once received and verified by our staff that the product is in the same state in which it was sent, the amount will be refunded according to the payment method made by the customer. Any refund will be deducted in a deduction in the amount of 8% for reception, inspection and demerit costs.

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